Wednesday 25 April 2012

Cancer, take a hike!

As mentioned previously, a few of my friends and I have decided to take part in The Wild Flower Walk – a 5km fundraiser around the grounds of Syon Park on Sunday 13th May in aid of Cancer Research UK.

I know 5km doesn’t sound that far but it’s all that I can manage at the moment, and will still let me feel that I can make a contribution to a very good cause.  It will also coincide (give or take a few days) with the anniversary of my father’s death from bowel cancer - so it will be a nice way to remember him too ...

So, if anyone else would like to join us on the day, please let me know. Alternatively, I’ve set up a Just Giving page. We’ve all donated to take part, so aren’t looking for sponsorship as such, but if you wanted to make a donation to the charity we would all be very grateful.

So, what else have I been up to?!

Well, in addition to listening to Mr P's surprisingly expert Whitney Houston impressions (long story!), today was my fourth chemotherapy treatment and my first with Docetaxol.  I have to say that, thus far, I haven’t felt any ill-effects – not even while the drug was being administered. That said, I’ve taken more steroids in the last 24 hours than I think I did in the last nine weeks, so God knows how much I’m going to fill out in the next few days.  If Team GB need a last minute stand-in for the power-lifting at the Olympics this summer – I could be their girl!


  1. good for you on doing the walk. the fact that its difficult for you to do it makes it even more special. i don't walk very well and i did the 3km walk for breast cancer last year and will be doing it again this year, it really hurt but felt good to be part of something so important.
    hope the side effects continue to be minimal.
    big hugs

  2. Like the spirit! Will donate.
