Well, it’s been an exciting couple of days.
On Sunday, a nineteen-strong ‘Team Martin’ (comprised mainly of friends and supporters from
Beaufort Players) set off through the meadows at Syon Park for the 5km Wildflower Walk in aid of Cancer Research UK.
It turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day and on our way we variously inspected flowers, fed geese and ate delicious cake. (Thank you, Craig!) I had been concerned that my chemo-weakened legs would cause me a problem but thankfully the effects seemed to have completely subsided by Sunday. So it was all good.
Collectively, we have also managed to raise a substantial amount for Cancer Research UK and their excellent work. Thank you to everyone who has donated and, for anyone who would still like to, I understand that the
Just Giving page will stay open until August.
'Team Martin' set off ... and our completion certificate. |
Sadly though, come Monday, the sunshine had disappeared as Mr P. and I set off to the somewhat inappropriately named (in such drizzly weather) ‘Paradise Park’ in Hertfordshire.
Mr P. had been given a 'Meet the Meerkat' experience as a gift and I intended to take on the role of photographer. However, when we arrived it transpired that I could also get up-close-and-personal with some furry friends so, of course, I jumped at the chance!
They were absolutely adorable and I loved every minute of it: feeding them grapes, stroking their fur and watching them burrow into Mr P's coat. Brilliant.
"You looking at me?!" |
And lastly, today. We were back at Charing Cross Hospital for the penultimate measurement and, yet again, it was great news. My tumour has continued to shrink to the point that it is now actually very difficult to measure. A generous estimate puts it at 1.2cm x 1.2cm, which is down 55% in the last three weeks and 87% on its original size. And we've still got two treatments to go!
So tomorrow, I'll have my last-but-one dose of Docetaxel and prepare myself for the inevitable muscle and joint pains etc. However, at least I now know what to expect and know that they will get better in due course.
And I actually have four weeks to recover from this treatment, rather than three. It turns out that, because of the Jubilee celebrations - i.e. extra Bank Holiday etc - my final session will be a full week later than planned on Wednesday 13th June. (Boo! Pesky Queen!)
This is only three weeks before my scheduled operation date but hopefully that's still OK. Don't really want to have to move it. On the plus side though, as Mr P. pointed out, it does mean that I get two 'good weeks' this session. So every cloud ... !